NACWO Introductory course (live online - virtual classroom)

A two day, live online virtual classroom, accredited course - multiple sessions covering current IAT learning outcomes


Institute of Animal Technology Accredited Course

NOTE: Held if sufficient interest is registered - may be cancelled at short notice (see T&C's for cancellation policy)

NACWO Introductory training course

Live online virtual classroom, IAT accredited NACWO Introductory training course, for candidates seeking to become NACWO's. 

Each day will consist of live online presentation sessions, to include interactive discussion and virtual break out room exercises (within the limits of a live virtual class environment).

Day 1; consists of an in-depth study of ASPA, with particular emphasis on those areas that come under the remit of the NACWO.

Day 2; concentrates on the practical role of the NACWO, looking at the interactivity between themselves and the other named persons, the Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body and the Establishment Licence Holder. Animal Welfare assessment, record keeping and the project licence complete the overview.

Theory Assessment: Post-course, attendees will take a closed book assessment, comprising of multiple True & False, and extended matching type questions. The assessment is taken under exam conditions, with a local or remote invigilator. The date & time of the final assessment and invigilation session will be arranged with your establishment NTCO. Successful participants are awarded an IAT Certificate.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a NACWO introductory course. Registrants must discuss with their establishment NTCO the experience, skills, education & training (i.e. modules under the UK Home Office Education & Training Guidance Document) they must complete to enable them to be appointed as a NACWO. Example of additional training requirements are likely to include: If the registrant is not a current personal licence holder or has not attended a recent (within last 3 years) personal licensee course (with relevant species specific modules of PIL A) they are highly likely to be required to attend at least the PIL A species specific modules of a personal licensee training course.

To register for this course, click the link and complete the online booking process.

Pre-course notes, links to the webinar, and timetable will be sent to you by return with a confirmation of your booking. 

If you have any questions, contact us on 01843 823575 or email: 


To approve your registration, a probity check will be carried out with your establishment purchasing agent or NTCO.

We can not accept registrations with public domain email addresses (e.g. no hotmail, gmail, yahoo etc email addresses), the email address must be a work/business email address.

Terms & Conditions

Read our Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy prior to placing your order.

Copy available via this link:!AiIoQfqaqgqnpwJ3SpOXHeD0XhIP

(Copy of the T&C's also available at registration)