Home Office Personal Licensee Training: PIL C - eLearning

On-demand accredited online eLearning course - covering PIL C (non-species specific). (NOTE: There is a charge for certificate, 2024 - £37 plus VAT).



Online eLearning fully accredited training course. 

Comprising of;

Module 21: Advanced anaesthesia for surgical or prolonged procedures.
Module 22: Principles of surgery.

Final assessments: Post program completion registrants take a closed book assessment, comprising of multiple True & False, and extended matching type questions. The assessment is taken under exam conditions, with a local or 'live online' invigilator. The date & time of the final assessment and invigilation session will be arranged with your establishment NTCO.

Skills assessments will be taken at your establishment (under NTCO guidance).

NOTE: Charles River UK accredited courses & modules meet the 'theory' learning outcomes appropriate to the Education & Training framework for Function A staff (UK PIL's A, B or C). The completion of 'hands on skills' components of relevant Modules Learning Outcomes (i.e. to complete PIL A we require verification of animal handling training, to complete PIL C - surgery skills practical training) - Skills training must be arranged with your establishment/employer. Your Named Training & Competency Officer (NTCO) is required to provide signed verification form(s) (working with Charles River under our guidance & accreditation) of your training in these skills (for further information see our Terms & Conditions & Pre-course information provided upon registration).

The completed skills verification form(s) must normally be returned within 3 months of course completion. The accrediting body will not issue course certificate(s) after a period of 3 months post course completion.

On a case by case basis further extension can be applied for (via CRL) to the accrediting body. 

Prior to approval of your registration, a probity check will be carried out with your establishment NTCO.

Online session URL link, pre-course notes and timetable will be emailed with the confirmation of registration.

If you have any questions, contact us at  01843 823575 or email: InsourcingSolutionsUK@crl.com 

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