PIL A species specific supplementary modules (Live online)

PIL A additional species day - NOTE: The charge is per registrant & per each species.


PIL A species-specific supplementary modules (Live online)

Live online virtual classroom UK accredited training course (Royal Society of Biology).

Species options include Rabbit, Chicken, dog, pig, NHP.

Request species during registration process (enter your species request into the 'additional comments' text box)

NOTE: These courses are only held if sufficient registrant numbers are received - and may be cancelled at short notice.

A part-day course (species timetabling will be confirmed), covering species-specific Modules 

Module 3.0: Basic & Appropriate Biology relevant to the species.

Module 4.0: Animal care, health, and management.

Module 5.0: Recognition of pain, suffering, and stress.

Module 6.1: Humane methods of killing (theory).

Module 7: Minimally invasive procedures without anaesthesia.

In addition, task-specific aspects of Module 20 (if applicable): Anaesthesia for minor procedures.

Final assessments (theory): Post-course assessment; attendees take a closed book assessment, comprising of multiple True & False, and extended matching type questions. The assessment is taken under exam conditions, with a local or live online invigilator. The date & time of the final assessment and invigilation session will be arranged with your establishment NTCO.

Skills assessments MUST be taken at your establishment (under NTCO guidance).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION (PRIOR TO REGISTERING YOU MUST DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING SKILLS TRAINING & ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENT WITH YOUR ESTABLISHMENT NTCO): The Live online virtual part of our UK accredited courses & modules meet the 'theory' learning outcomes appropriate to the Education & Training framework for Function A staff (UK PIL's A, B or C). There is also a mandatory requirement to complete hands-on skills training and assessment components of relevant Module(s) Learning Outcomes. This must be arranged with your establishment/employer NTCO, i.e. to complete PIL A we require verification of completion of (Module 3.2.1 & 8) species-specific animal handling skills training & assessment of competency. Your Named Training & Competency Officer (NTCO) is required to provide Charles River with signed verification documentation and the Directly Observed Procedure Skills forms (your local DOPS sign-off-record). This must be to a standard (DOPS) working with Charles River under our guidance & accreditation. This evidences your training & assessment of competency in the required skills of Modules 3.2.1 & 8.0 (for further information see our Terms & Conditions & Pre-course information provided upon registration).

The completed skills verification form (plus DOPs forms) must be returned within 3 months post (theory) course attendance. The accrediting body will not issue course certificate(s) after a period of 3 months post theory course attendance. Extension to this can be applied for on a case-by-case basis via CRL. 

The 3 months to skills completion policy may be extendable.

On a case by case basis further extension can be applied for (via CRL) to the accrediting body. 

Re-attendance of the full course (charged to the registrant) will be required if the accreditation body policy on skills completion is not adhered to.

Online session URL link, pre-course notes, and timetable will be emailed with the confirmation of registration.

If you have any questions, contact us at  01843 823575 or email: InsourcingSolutionsUK@crl.com 


To approve your registration, a probity check will be carried out with your establishment purchasing agent or NTCO.

We can not accept registrations with public domain email addresses (e.g. no hotmail, gmail, yahoo etc email addresses), the email address must be a work/business email address.

Terms & Conditions

Please read our Terms & Conditions and Cancellation Policy prior to placing your registration.

Copy available via this link: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AiIoQfqaqgqnpwJ3SpOXHeD0XhIP

(Copy of the T&C's also available at registration)