PIL Courses - "Live online" virtual classroom
Theory courses are delivered via a live virtual classroom environment.
E1/L & PIL AB : Modules E1 & L of this training course cover the legal and ethical approach to using animals in research. Modules 3, 4.1, 5, 6.1, 7 and 20 (PIL AB), cover animal handling (theory), basic biology, recognizing animal health and well-being, Schedule 1 (theory), health and safety, anaesthesia and analgesia, animal diseases, the application of scientific procedures and husbandry.
PIL C : Module training for advance anaesthetic techniques and invasive surgery. Covering the Learning Outcomes of Modules 21 & 22.
Theory assessments: Post-course, attendees will take a closed book assessment, comprising of multiple True & False, and extended matching type questions. The assessment is taken under exam conditions, with a local or live online invigilator. The date & time of the final assessment and invigilation session will be arranged with your establishment NTCO.
Skills assessments will be taken at your establishment (under NTCO guidance).
NOTE: Charles River UK accredited courses & modules meet the 'theory' learning outcomes appropriate to the Education & Training framework for Function A staff (UK PIL's A, B or C). The completion of 'hands on skills' components of relevant Modules Learning Outcomes (i.e. to complete PIL A we require verification of animal handling training, to complete PIL C - surgery skills practical training) - Must be arranged with your establishment/employer. Your Named Training & Competency Officer (NTCO) is required to provide signed verification (working with Charles River under our guidance & accreditation) of your training in these skills such as animal handling (for further information see our Terms & Conditions & Pre-course information provided upon registration).
The above completed skills verification form must be returned within 3 months of course, completion. The accrediting body will not issue course certificate(s) after a period of 3 months post course completion. Extension to this can be applied for on a case by case basis via CRL.
The 3 month to skills completion policy may be extendable on a case by case basis. Applied for (via CRL) to the accrediting body.
PIL Courses - "Live online" virtual classroom
Ethics (level 1) & Legislation refresher - non-certified
On demand eLearning
£104.00 excl. VAT
E1-L, PIL AB - Fish (live online - virtual classroom)
2 days duration
PIL C Fish (live online - virtual classroom)
Half day duration
E1-L, PIL AB - Rodent (live online - virtual classroom)
2 days duration
PIL C (live online - virtual classroom)
1 day duration