PPL Module course - "Live online" virtual classroom

Live online virtual classroom accredited training course for candidates applying for a Home Office Project Licence. Each day will consist of live presentation sessions, to include interactive discussion and virtual break out room exercises (within the limits of a live virtual class environment).

Covering mandatory Function B staff (Project Licence Holder) training requirements: EU Modules EU1 Legislation, EU2 & EU9 Ethics (Levels 1 & 2), EU 10 & 11 (Note: Course registrants should discuss with their establishment NTCO whether additional PIL modules are required to complete their training).

Our highly experienced lecturers will cover the ethical aspects of working with laboratory animals as well as how to complete a project licence application form and to present it to both the Home Office and the Local Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body. The design of a study and the use of statistics to analyze the data obtained is covered in some depth, as is the appraisal of scientific literature when looking for relevant information. The final part of the training course covers the legislation as it applies to the UK and the management of an active project within both UK law and the local oversight of the host institution.

Post-course, attendees will take a closed book assessment, comprising of multiple True & False, and extended matching type questions. The assessment is taken under exam conditions, with a local or live online invigilator. The date & time of the final assessment and invigilation session will be arranged with your establishment NTCO. In addition to the above, a written piece of work must be completed and returned within two weeks following the live online course.

If you have any questions, contact us at  01843 823575 or email; InsourcingSolutionsUK@crl.com 

To register for this course, please complete the online booking process.

Prior to approval of your registration, a probity check will be carried out with your establishment NTCO.

PPL Module course - "Live online" virtual classroom

PPL Module course ('live online' - virtual classroom)

PPL Module course 2 days

Project Licensee Training PPL Module comprising of; Module 1 National Legislation Modules 2 & 9 Ethics (Level 1 & 2) Module 10 Design of procedures and projects (level 1) Module 11 Design of procedures and projects (level 2)

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