Home Office Personal Licensee Training (PIL) - Fish

On the registration pages you may book your required PIL category training sessions from the following options: 

L & E1, Legislation & Ethics (level 1) plus 3R's: EU1 & EU2 cover the legal and ethical approach to using animals in research and the principles and application of the 3R's. 

PIL AB: EU Modules 3, 4.1, 5, 6.1, 7 and 20 cover animal handling (theory), basic biology, recognizing animal health and well-being, Schedule 1 (theory), health and safety, anaesthesia and analgesia, animal diseases, the application of scientific procedures and husbandry.

At the end of the above L/E1 & PIL AB sessions, delegates take 'Closed Book' assessments comprising of Multiple True & False, and extended matching type questions.

PIL C: EU Modules 21 & 22, this is the PIL category for those who require a firmer grounding in anaesthetic techniques or who are planning to undertake invasive surgery.

At the end of the above PIL C session, delegates take 'Closed Book' assessments comprising of Multiple True & False, and extended matching type questions.

Our experienced lecturers provide the knowledge and understanding required for delegates to complete end-of-session (s) assessments, which will gain them a certificate from the Scottish Accreditation Board. Following completion & certification, delegates may apply for a personal licence for the categories they have successfully completed (PIL A, B, C).

To register for this course, please complete the online booking process.

Prior to approval of your registration, a probity check will be carried out with your establishment NTCO or NACWO.

Location maps, pre-course notes, local accommodation, and timetable will be sent to you by return with a confirmation of your booking.

NOTE: Charles River UK accredited courses & modules meet the 'theory' learning outcomes appropriate to the EU Directive - Education & Training framework for Function A staff (UK PIL's A, B or C).

The completion of 'hands-on skills' components of relevant EU Modules Learning Outcomes (e.g. animal handling) - Must be arranged with your establishment/employer. Your Named Training & Competency Officer (NTCO) is required to provide signed verification (working with Charles River under our guidance & accreditation) of your training in these skills such as animal handling (for further information see our Terms & Conditions & Pre-course information provided upon registration).

The above completed skills verification form must be returned within 3 months following course attendance. The accrediting body will not issue course certificate(s) after a period of 3 months post attendance. 

Home Office Personal Licensee Training (PIL) - Fish

E1-L, PIL AB - Fish (live online - virtual classroom)

2 days duration

A two-day, live online virtual classroom, accredited course - multiple sessions covering L-E1 & PIL A (Fish) & B

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PIL C Fish (live online - virtual classroom)

Half day duration

Part-day, live online virtual classroom, accredited course - session covering PIL C Fish

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