
Home Office Personal Licensee Training (PIL) - Fish

E1-L, PIL AB - Fish (live online - virtual classroom)

2 days duration

A two-day, live online virtual classroom, accredited course - multiple sessions covering L-E1 & PIL A (Fish) & B

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PIL C Fish (live online - virtual classroom)

Half day duration

Part-day, live online virtual classroom, accredited course - session covering PIL C Fish

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Home Office Personal Licensee Training (PIL) - Rodents

E1-L, PIL AB - Rodent (live online - virtual classroom)

2 days duration

A two-day, live online virtual classroom, accredited course - multiple sessions covering L-E1 & PIL A (Rodent) & B

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PIL C (live online - virtual classroom)

1 day duration

Live online virtual classroom, accredited course - session covering PIL C rodents and additional species.

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Home Office Project Licensee Training (PPL)

PPL Module course ('live online' - virtual classroom)

PPL Module course 2 days

Project Licensee Training PPL Module comprising of; Module 1 National Legislation Modules 2 & 9 Ethics (Level 1 & 2) Module 10 Design of procedures and projects (level 1) Module 11 Design of procedures and projects (level 2)

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NACWO Training

NACWO Introductory course (live online - virtual classroom)

2 days duration

A two day, live online virtual classroom, accredited course - multiple sessions covering current IAT learning outcomes

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Legislation & Ethics Training

Ethics (level 1) & Legislation review & refresh - Live online

'Live online'

£95.50 excl. VAT

This live online virtual classroom training course provides an in-depth review & refresh of ASPA, ethics and the 3Rs.

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Biomethodology Courses

Biomethodology - Mouse


£375.00 excl. VAT

This one-day course covers a whole range of theoretical and practical aspects of working with laboratory mice

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eLearning - Home Office Personal Licensee Training (PIL)

Home Office Personal licensee Training: PIL AB & C Rodents - eLearning

On demand eLearning

£573.00 excl. VAT

Our eLearning programs include training material (E1-L, PIL A, B & C) accredited in the UK by the Scottish Accreditation Board (NOTE: There is a charge for certificate currently £37 plus VAT). In response to a growing need for affordable, convenient accreditation training for laboratory animal science professionals, we have developed modular programs for functions A, B, C and D, in compliance with EU directive 2010/63/EU.

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Home Office Personal Licensee Training: PIL AB Rodents - eLearning

On demand eLearning

£394.00 excl. VAT

Our eLearning programs include training material (E1-L & PIL A B) accredited in the UK by the Scottish Accreditation Board (NOTE: There is a charge for certificate currently £37 plus VAT). In response to a growing need for affordable, convenient accreditation training for laboratory animal science professionals, we have developed modular programs for functions A, B, C and D, in compliance with EU directive 2010/63/EU.

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PIL A Hamster (additional species program) - eLearning

On Demand eLearning

£153.00 excl. VAT

Our eLearning programs include training material (PIL A Hamster) accredited in the UK by the Scottish Accreditation Board (NOTE: There is a charge for certificate, currently £37 plus VAT). In response to a growing need for affordable, convenient accreditation training for laboratory animal science professionals, we have developed modular programs for functions A, B, C and D, in compliance with EU directive 2010/63/EU.

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PIL A Guinea Pig (additional species program) - eLearning

On Demand eLearning

£153.00 excl. VAT

Our eLearning programs include training material accredited in the UK by the Scottish Accreditation Board (NOTE: There is a charge for certificate, currently £37 plus VAT). In response to a growing need for affordable, convenient accreditation training for laboratory animal science professionals, we have developed modular programs for functions A, B, C and D, in compliance with EU directive 2010/63/EU.

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Home Office Personal Licensee Training: PIL C - eLearning

On demand eLearning

£200.00 excl. VAT

On-demand accredited online eLearning course - covering PIL C (non-species specific). (NOTE: There is a charge for certificate, 2024 - £37 plus VAT).

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E1-L (Ethics (level 1) & Legislation) - eLearning

On demand eLearning

£153.00 excl. VAT

eLearning course covering Module 1 Legislation & Module 2 Ethics (level 1) & 3Rs. eLearning programs are accredited in the UK by the Scottish Accreditation Board. (NOTE: There is a charge for certificate - 2024 - £37 plus VAT).

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PIL A Rabbit (additional species program) - eLearning

On Demand eLearning

£153.00 excl. VAT

Our eLearning programs include training material (PIL A Rabbit) accredited in the UK by the Scottish Accreditation Board (NOTE: There is a charge for certificate, currently £37 plus VAT). In response to a growing need for affordable, convenient accreditation training for laboratory animal science professionals, we have developed modular programs for functions A, B, C and D, in compliance with EU directive 2010/63/EU.

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E-Learning / English

Legislation - fully eLearning - (certified course)

On demand fully eLearning

£77.00 excl. VAT

eLearning course covering Module 1 Legislation . eLearning programs are accredited in the UK by the Scottish Accreditation Board. (NOTE: There is a charge for certificate - 2024 - £37 plus VAT).

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NTCO & NIO Training Courses

Personal & Professional Development

Ethics (level 1) & Legislation review & refresh - Live online

'Live online'

£95.50 excl. VAT

This live online virtual classroom training course provides an in-depth review & refresh of ASPA, ethics and the 3Rs.

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PIL Courses - "Live online" virtual classroom

PIL C (live online - virtual classroom)

1 day duration

Live online virtual classroom, accredited course - session covering PIL C rodents and additional species.

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E1-L, PIL AB - Rodent (live online - virtual classroom)

2 days duration

A two-day, live online virtual classroom, accredited course - multiple sessions covering L-E1 & PIL A (Rodent) & B

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